Saturday, October 31, 2009

Power & Water & Forms- oh my!

The electrician went out and hooked up our temporary power supply--- the plumber went out to hook up water--- and the forms are being set for pouring the beginning of next week! Aghhhhh! I can't believe this is really happening. I am so nervous.

Monday, October 26, 2009

New Neighbor

Just wanted to post a picture of our new neighbor...

House Hole!

Yes- we have a big house hole that was saturated with water and is now ready to be filled with cement. Pending some blockhead sitting at her desk (that my taxes paid for) picking her nose and waiting to press send on her lap top (that my taxes paid for) because we are not next in line...we're not upset about this or anything!

Adam said, "Cool! We're gonna have a swimming pool!"

Transformers down the road!

No...sorry- not the cool transforming kind. Well, Ted and I think they are cool! They will provide power to four different households eventually- which is a lot more power then transformers have! The green top that most recognize is not on them yet... I think they did that today because when I drove by I saw a bunch of PUD trucks out there.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Forget the day 1-day 2-day 3 thing. That's not going to happen. But here are some pictures of the process. Ted really has done an amazing job pulling this all together. It was just a random idea a few months ago- and look how it has all fallen into place. As the wise turtle in "Kung Fu Panda" says, "There are no accidents!" I feel so blessed to be where we are at in our lives.
Only a couple pictures this time because my computer keeps telling me I have internal errors.

I appreciate more every day all that Ted had to do and all the knowledge he has had to acquire in order to get this project accomplished. I've seen and heard him on the phone and running around during lunch breaks and after work- but watching him interact and know what he's talking about with all the contractors- while I stand there with a goofy smile- helped me realize he can be enthusiastic about something, well there are a couple of other things that he's enthusiastic about.

Dirt on top of dirt- actually I think this is sand to help fill in all the trenches we have to dig for water etc.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Day 1

Building permit!

We staked the house today!

Off we go...

We'll see if I can really keep this blog up- I'd love to but I don't know how realistic it is!