Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wow! Words cannot describe....

I felt a lot better tonight after we dropped in and said hello to our good friends Matt & Amy Durst who are building- on our old lot in Cottonwood Springs. When we told them we were framing Amy asked me if I was nervous--- and I said, "Yes!" Ted wanted me to be jumping for joy but my reaction was more like, "Whoah...this is not how I was picturing it in my head at all." The master bedroom was a lot smaller then I thought it would be- the master bathroom was actually right on. The pantry and craft room are HUGE! and the living room was a lot smaller then I was hoping. Amy asked me if I was looking at everything second guessing myself and feeling like it was too small- and that's exactly how I felt. If you're going to put this much time and effort into something... but she reassured me that she felt the same way and the feeling will go away. I wonder if it goes away because you're so burnt out you just stop caring- or if it all just starts to come together and you see the big picture- a little of both probably.

I hope that I didn't sound ungrateful- I am very very very grateful!! And excited!!! It is amazing to see it unfold.

And we have just been blessed left and right with good weather- good contractors- good friends and family to help us see this through. You can see the ominous dark sky in the background looking like it's going to storm- it just turned into a beautiful sunset instead!!


  1. Oh my goodness! There's a house there! I love you so very much Stacy and I can't wait to see you in less than 2 weeks and then you can take me out there and walk me around. Don't forget to enjoy the journey!
